
Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Poor condemned Iraq- America's chew toy- thrown to dust

Poem by Marc Aupiais

It's hard not to hate an Arrogant West,
That is something they'll say for sure!

Shame really, is it not,
America prematurely leaving Iraq:

Having ravished the place dry,
Gaining oil and allies,
As innocent blood lined the streets,
And American Press,
So Free of Speech,
Neglected to cover genocide,
Least their presidents be impeached!

American lives,
The Response to Wikileaks,

When they withdraw from Chew-toy Iraq, Tossed into sand,
Without a real government, and a democracy not true,
How many more must die, for the cameras and lights?

Poor condemned Iraq- America's chew toy- thrown to dust
Shall they ever rebuild what they destroyed?
Mercenaries instead,
From all over the world,
Soldiers forced to fight their unjust war,
Now withdraw,
Leaving fright, and quite blight!

America, you Harpy,
How dare you invade,
Destroy valid authority,
To Bath them in blood!

Oh, what a war,
And all for some buildings,
A few thousand people,
More die in a day!

Twin Wars, for Twin Towers:
Afghanistan and Iraq,
And don't forget the foolish Muslims, who wanted a mosque

Why they'd choose "Ground Zero", nobody knows:
Such a gated community,
With Strip Clubs and Bars.

Perhaps the Muslim ladies wear to much clothes?
Perhaps Human LIVES, mean nothing to West!

I fasted when they invaded poor Iraq,
Unjust War, a Crime against man,
And now, as they withdraw, I'm tempted to weep:

For promises and publicity,
To a Homeland Press:

Yet, in Iraq,
Instability reigns:

Minorities, and Christians,
Mean little to the Nation who invoked
Christ and God,
To put opposition to rest.

Well done America, Obama and Bush,

Iraq, Babylon burns,
Like in the prophesy, Babylon gone,

Yet, is it the rich nation which deceived the world,
The prostitute, which was driven by greed?

Did congress or the UN call war, unseed?

Yet, even if they had,
It would still have been unjust,

And those whose lives were ruined,
Are left to cry into mounds of desert dust
As memories burn,
More vivid than Moses' dear Bush,
Destruction wrought,

By the makers, World famous, heroes
Of the only Nuclear Genocide!
And of course: of Afghanist,

And of Hades!

The keys of the world,
America claims, are dollar signs!

Poor condemned Iraq- America's chew toy- thrown to dust

Poor condemned Iraq- America's chew toy- thrown to dust

Poor condemned Iraq- America's chew toy- thrown to dust

And to dust does Babylon return,
Dead, it fades on sands of time!

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